Feed your Faith

Feed your Faith, and your Fears will starve to Death! I am Lifted with Love, Healed by Grace and Saved by the Cross...


Thursday, October 21, 2010

No mas Radiation! - September 14, 2010

As I laid on my back to do my very last session of radiation, I was intensely praying to God that even though the first 34 days may not have worked and that we are down to one last day, please take control of this and heal me if it is your will. It was a spiritual moment I'll never forget. I was doing my best to "believe" God was going to heal me that second, if it was His perfect timing.

Every radiation session includes 7 beams/sections and as the machine goes around my body and reached the very last one, my prayers intensified and I was doing my best not to lose focus. It was down to 10 seconds left of radiation. Radiation, after all, is a major treatment plan for my Sarcoma...And having it not work is problematic...So the last 10 seconds were so cumbersome that I barely got to say anything to the Lord, but He knew my heart and when I heard the radiation buzz stop, I knew my Radiation treatment was over. I heard my heart say deep down "Come what may; the Lord is in control."

When I went outside, my mom shared with me how she was praying the same prayer I was, regarding the very last day of Radiation being more powerful than all previous ones combined, and that should the Radiation not have worked previously, that it would work today! It was a beautiful confirmation.

The bell behind us is a bell that every graduate of Radiation Therapy is entitled to ring. It felt a bit awkward, but I still rang it ;)
I remember seeing many people throughout my sessions ring it, and I always asked myself "I wonder how that felt"...and to my non-surprise, it didn't feel THAT great. lol. It's all mental, really. The fact is that Radiation was over! 

Towards the end of my 5 weeks of daily visits to the hospital for Radiation sessions, I got somewhat attached to the process and to the group of people I got to see everyday. Unlike any other process out there, which either takes place sporadically, or with a different medical team -- the same Radiation team who welcomed me the first day was there to say good-bye on September 14.

They were so nice to me; so helpful, so caring and so loving. They usually played their favorite music in the background while radiation was in process....I looked forward to everyday, wondering what type of music would be playing. I was excited to be done with Radiation, but sad that I would be leaving this team behind and that I wouldn't be seeing them anymore. It was another chapter closed. 

I wish everyone was like these 2 women: happy, laughing, smiling and positive. Who wouldn't want to be around them? Aside from a single mother nurse in the PET Scan department, they were my favorites too. And I'm sure they felt it was mutual, as I tried my best to show them God's Love, as well as God's promises. We had a few conversations and I always told them that "Our Lord is my only Healer, but that I'm hoping their Radiation machines were the means to my healing."

I even got attached to my 2 Ethiopian friends who ran the Valet service at the Radiation center. They would take my car everyday and we'd have a few seconds to exchange small conversations. They were such nice people, and I was so happy to take a picture with them before leaving on my last day.  

I would sometimes have Christian music playing in my car and wouldn't bother shutting it off so that my friends could listen to the music that I liked. 

I went home after having finished Radiation and took a picture of my Cross-hair: 

It looked like the map of Texas, lol. But I was glad that I could now clean and shower that part of my body, without worrying about taking the traces off! 

I was now officially done with all my Pre-Surgery treatments! I was given 4 weeks off to regain strength and to get ready for my surgery. My family's trip to East Europe was a few days away. God is good, always!

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